Thunder Bay Kenjutsu Seminar 2015
Rai Un Kai Dojo
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Seminar Report
copyright © 2015 Kyle Kolodij, all rights reserved
After studying Japanese martial arts for many years, I have been fortunate enough to cross paths with Mr. Douglas Tong Sensei. Having been interested in learning Kenjutsu for some time, I approached Mr. Tong about the option to study with him. I was very pleased to discover his willingness to teach and share his knowledge with others, even those at a geographical disadvantage for training. After many emails, and much planning, Mr. Tong came to our dojo in Thunder Bay for three days of intense, but very exciting and educational training.
After feeling like someone just learning to walk, so to speak, in the first hour…it was amazing to see the evolution of what the training begins to evolve into. Although just three days, you begin to see the scope of how intricate Yagyu Shinkage Ryu is. Fascinating on many physical, scientific and philosophical levels; perhaps like a game of chess with a sword.
It is difficult to explain in words, but through experience an understanding of what you are doing slowly comes to fruition as you progress from one technique to the next. It is easy to see how it could be a lifelong study, if you desired.
At the end of each day, there was a very helpful question and answer period and historical references as to the reasoning of certain types of training, which helped broaden the understanding of what we were learning.
Mr. Tong is certainly a living history of Japanese sword arts, in many respects*. He is very energetic in his teaching and willingness to aid the student along in their training.
It is exciting to think that this is just the tip of the iceberg as to what lies ahead. I would like to thank Douglas Tong Sensei for having brought this art to Canada and his willingness to teach and share it with others. I would also like to thank my teachers in Thunder Bay, Eric Tribe Sensei and Doug Martin Sensei, for putting me on the path to the study of Japanese sword arts; I would also like to thank Sensei Tribe for his teaching and generosity towards this seminar as well.
Kyle Kolodij
Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido
Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Jodo
Rai Un Kai Dojo (Canadian Kendo Federation)
Shotokan Karate Dojo (Tsuruoka Karate Organization * Karate Ontario)
Photo Credits: Mike Pianka Photography